Consultation Launched on Banning Common Single-use Plastic Items

Plans to ban some of the most environmentally damaging single-use plastic items in Scotland, including plastic cutlery and plastic straws, have been published for consultation.

The Scottish Government is seeking views on the introduction of new legislation to restrict the sale or commercial supply of plastic plates, plastic straws, plastic cutlery, polystyrene food and drink containers, plastic balloon sticks and products made from oxo-degradable plastics.

These items are the ones most commonly found washed up on European beaches and were identified in the EU Single Plastics Directive as contributing the majority share of litter found in the marine environment.

The focus of this consultation is to gather views on the planned approach to introducing market restrictions on single-use plastics in Scotland. Consultation responses will be analysed and will inform Scottish Government (SG) policy, as they match the EU Single-Use Plastic Directive. Subject to the outcome of the consultation, it would be SG intention to legislate for these changes in 2021.

To take part in the consultation visit the Consultation website