SFP/AONB Joint Conference

Book onto our conference on the 2nd November in Carlisle, here

If you cannot use eventrbite, email info@solwayfirthpartnership.co.uk or call 01387 702161 to book your place.

Solway Firth Partnership & Solway Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty warmly invite you to our joint conference 2018…
Doug Allan, wildlife & documentary cameraman and author will deliver the keynote speech.
The programme will feature a range of Solway sessions to choose from including:
• Planning for the future of the Solway
• Our coastal heritage at risk – love it or lose it?
• The Solway Coast through performance and drama
• Snapshot updates on a fascinating range of topics
and much more….
The event is free of charge and includes a light buffet lunch. Places are limited so booking is essential.[/caption]